Media Morsels 3.26.10

American Idiot on Broadway Update Well, dear readers, the day finally arrived: American Idiot is now playing in New York. While it won’t officially open until April 20 (tickets are still not on sale to the public – but I’m trying!) it is currently in previews. The first preview was Wednesday night and I was there, rocking along with all the other Idiots. I’m waiting until after the official opening to post a review of the Broadway iteration, so for the time being check out what I had to say about the Berkeley production . Before previews began, the Idiots had their final sound check and tons of press people were there to capture the awesomeness. Check out videos , photos and a report from Rolling Stone . Also, take a look at this video from and this one from , both featuring clips of the show and interviews with Green Day, director Michael Mayer and stars John Gallagher, Jr. and Rebecca Naomi Jones. (...all of whom wonderfully articulate the brillian...