Media Morsels 9.30.11

Josh Charles in Character The Good Wife is off to a steamy start, and one of its sexy stars, Josh Charles (a.k.a., Dan Rydell, the fictitious love of my life ) recently posed for Vanity Fair 's Howard Schatz: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Nominees for the next class of Rock and Roll Hall of Famers was announced this week. (Artists are eligible 25 years after the release of their first single or album.) New nominees include Guns 'n' Roses and Joan Jett and the Blackhearts. And, since not every artist is selected for the honor in their first year of eligibility, return nominees include the Beastie Boys and Red Hot Chili Peppers. Winning artists will be inducted into the Hall of Fame, located in ( oh me-o, oh my-o, oh ) Cleveland, Ohio, in April 2012. Visit for the full list of nominees and stayed tuned to find out who will make up the next class of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame . Glee Scoop Well, it's been a while since I've brought you any sort of Gl...